Summer is coming! 

The sun is finally out and the days are
getting longer. Need a new bag to
spend your evenings to hang out on a
terrace or gardenparty?
We have what you need!

Marie Martens offers you the solution
in limited edition :
Two shiny luxurious lino XL beltbags,
perfect for reflecting the sunshine and
super light to carry!
Lino is a 100% natural textile material,
ecofriendly and light-weight.
Its coating offers extra protection and
a full Marie Martens signature metallic look

Available now on our website & in selected stores.
Don't hesitate, it's your time to shine now.
Be the first to adopt the new Neufmille perfaect for summer!

I want to be the first!

NEUFMILLE - Pink Gold LINO Textile

I Need It!

NEUFMILLE - Silver LINO Textile 

Silver one's mine