Published in June 2020
This is utopia
The lockdown period had somehow its good parts.
It inspired me and boosted my creativity.
I started painting... took myself for a « fauvist artist».

It even allowed me to rethink my next collection and designed new products that will be launched soon. We also had time to create these pretty “collages” posts like miniature paintings… which allowed us to travel, to imagine, to play with flowers, pastels, rainbows, rollerskates, waves,… to follow our daydreams.

But this period also forced us to postpone certain events; we had to cancel a photo shoot planned for the SS20 collection. It would have been so colorful and playful… I had foreseen everything, our bags in a local but unprecedented setting in Versailles, in the midst of local or exotic fruits and vegetables, a flowers galore. But everything remained confined... and we almost ran out of photo material to share on social media.
Until we can show you a new photo campaign with a whole new atmosphere, that will take place soon under the constraint of social distancing & barrier gestures, I decided to take you with me behind the scenes of our last #UTOPIA shoot which took place earlier in Paris, in July 2019 in the so-called Parisian "Chinatown”, at the Olympiades.
This very urban setting, far from the cliché views of Paris, certainly metropolitan, made me travel far away from reality.
Welcome to #UTOPIA, this imaginary, ideal world "which does not take into account reality " (as the definition says).
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